A Money-Maker Suggestion:

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List A Money-Maker Suggestion:

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    • #260332

      Hello, everyone . . .

      Several years ago, the fairly new home with about 1/2 acre of yard,

      sold to a family consisting of Dad, Mom, three children, and

      Grandma. Because of our busy schedule, we have only achieved a

      nodding, waving acquaintance. We were fascinated watching the change

      Kim and her mother wrought on their piece of land. We kept check with

      our twice a day drive-by.

      First, Kim ripped out almost all of the existing lawn, secured a used

      roto-tiller, and proceeded to dig up her front, back, and one side

      yard. Next she had several loads of good soil mixes delivered,

      spread these out, working some long hours. Then came the mum

      plants! She had ordered some of the big, beautiful showy ones, along

      with smaller blooms. Planting them in long rows, Kim carefully

      staked each plant, carried hoses, buckets of water to each, along

      with hours of weeding on her knees. She was rewarded over the long

      Summer with colored beautiful blooms of all sizes. My eyes never

      tired of seeing the splendor.

      Why? What was she doing? After moving to her home, Kim visited the

      local florists within 20 or so miles. She ascertained their need and

      made some bargains. Those mums were being growing for the local

      flower businesses — fresh from the field, little delivery costs,

      carefully aiming for pesticide-free plants, the blooms were a godsend

      for the local florists — and being local was a great selling point

      for the businesses. Kim paid for all her supplies, plant tubers,

      everything, from her first year profits. This is Kim’s 4th year, and

      she has added raspberry bushes to her remaining side yard, and sells

      all the berries to the local green grocer.

      Kim says in ways she misses a yard, but the children have a large

      deck, driveway, and the nearby small park. The money earned has

      helped pay off the small starter loan far ahead of time, and enable

      her to purchase an acre plot of land next door — for more plantings.

      So, look around your yard . . .

      your parent’s yard . . .

      it doesn’t

      have to be large . . .

      check out your local florists, see what they

      need or would love locally grown. Maybe Rhubarb, green beans . .


      see if you can sell the excess.

      Maybe an idea for next year.

      hona . . .

      in western washington state, usa

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List A Money-Maker Suggestion: