7/8 Complete Listing of Current Coupons

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List 7/8 Complete Listing of Current Coupons

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    • #259589
      Melissa Burnell

      I actually am running xp, upgraded to it hoping to solve this problem. it doesnt matter what brand/type printer i use. i get a usb port error message/blue screen.

      i figured it would be just a easy to print them at work, guess not!

      thanks for the advice though!

      original message —-
      from: ann garner
      to: budget101_@yahoogroups.com
      Sent: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 12:20:53 PM
      Subject: Re: Budget101.com : 7/8 Complete Listing of Current Coupons

      >My computer at home is having issues with any and all printers we
      >try to use with it. I cannot afford to buy a new computer just for
      >this issue, since it is perfectly fine in all other aspects.
      This actually sounds like an easy to fix problem. I assume you have
      an older operating system on your computer.

      Go to the printer web
      site and download the print driver that is for your operating system
      and the printer.

      Ann in Arkansas, computer geekette-wannabe

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List 7/8 Complete Listing of Current Coupons