127 Foods That Fight Fat!

Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes 127 Foods That Fight Fat!

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      127 Foods That Fight Fat!

      Here’s best-selling author Dr. Shapiro’s all-new program to fill you up and slim you down

      by Howard M. Shapiro, DO

      Weight loss starts with shopping. Taking control of what you eat begins with taking control of what you buy.

      Every time you toss a low-calorie food into the cart, you’re taking responsibility for losing weight–even before you sit down to a meal.

      There’s a very simple formula for low-calorie eating: Stock up on low-calorie staples. These are the basic packaged, canned, and frozen ingredients that you’ll reach for to create tasty, healthful, low-calorie meals anytime.

      The Picture Perfect Anytime List is a menu of the lowest-calorie produce, soups, sauces, condiments, marinades, dressings, dips, candies, desserts, and beverages available. Stuff your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer with them, and reach for them anytime. Feel free to go to the foods on the Anytime List when you want a snack or are planning a meal.

      Eat any amount of them for any reason. When the Anytime List becomes the core of your eating–in other words, the main dish around which you build your meals–you’ll have no trouble staying thin for life.

      The Anytime List
      Fruits and vegetables
      All fruits and vegetables–raw, cooked, fresh, frozen, canned–belong on the Picture Perfect Anytime List. Avoid any packaged fruits that have added sugar. Otherwise, the more fruits and vegetables you eat, the better.

      You’ve heard of value for your money. Soups give you very good value for the calories. They are filling; a bowl of soup can be an entire meal.

      They are satisfying. For many people, they are more satisfying than raw vegetables, while many give you all the benefits of veggies (if you choose the soups chock full of vegetables). They are inexpensive, convenient, easy, and quick to make.

      Soups don’t make you feel like you’re on a diet. Above all, soups are versatile. They can serve as a snack, as part of a meal, or as a cooking ingredient.

      Sauces, Condiments, and Marinades
      Put the following items at the very top of your shopping list. They’re invaluable for adding flavor, moisture, texture, and versatility to every food and every meal.

      Salad dressings: oil-free or low-calorie (light or lite)

      Mayonnaise: fat-free or light

      Sour cream and yogurt: fat-free, plain, or with NutraSweet (or low-fat nondairy substitutes)

      Mustards: Dijon, Pommery, and others

      Tomato puree, tomato paste, and tomato sauce

      Clam juice, tomato juice, V8 juice, and lemon or lime juice

      Butter Buds or Molly McButter

      Cooking sprays (such as Pam) in butter, olive oil, garlic, or lemon flavors

      Vinegars: balsamic, cider, wine, tarragon, and others

      Horseradish: red and white

      Sauces: salsa, cocktail sauce, tamari, soy sauce, A1, Worcestershire sauce, barbecue sauce, ketchup, duck sauce, chutney, relish, and others

      Onion: fresh, juice, flakes, and powder

      Garlic: fresh, juice, flakes, and powder

      Herbs: any and all, including basil, oregano, tarragon, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, dill, chives, sage, and bay leaves

      Spices: any and all, including cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cumin, nutmeg, coriander, curry, paprika, and allspice

      Extracts: vanilla, almond, peppermint, maple, coconut, cocoa powder, and others

      Dressings and Dips
      I recommend fat-free or light dressings and dips. The light category–low-fat, reduced-fat, and low-calorie–is midway between totally fat-free and regular, and it’s often more pleasing to the palate than fat-free.

      Dressings can be used as all-purpose condiments, dips, toppings, even cooking liquids. They already contain a mixture of ingredients, so just slather them on vegetables, seafood, and pretty much anything else. Or cook with them to make up for the lack of butter or oil.

      I recommend keeping several varieties of dressings and dips on hand, including at least one creamy version. Try brushing a light creamy dressing on seafood, then broiling; the dressing adds moisture and flavor.

      Yup, candy. The real thing–not the dietetic variety–is best when your sweet tooth starts aching. Dietetic candies have almost as many calories as regular candies, often lack flavor, and are an incentive to eat more.

      Stick to the real thing.

      Chewing gum or gum balls: any and all

      Hard candy: any and all, including sour balls, candy canes, lollipops such as Tootsie Pops or Blow Pops, Jolly Ranchers, Werther’s Original, and TasteTations

      Frozen Desserts
      Any fat-free frozen yogurt, frozen nondairy substitute, or sorbet is a fine addition to the freezer. Try the lower-calorie choices. Here are some examples:

      Soft serve: up to 25 calories per ounce, including Skimpy Treat; TCBY, Colombo nonfat frozen yogurt, and Tofutti

      Hard pack: up to 115 calories per 1/2-cup serving, including Sharon’s Sorbet, Low-Fat Tofutti, all Italian ices, and Sweet Nothings

      Frozen bars: Creamsicles, Fudgsicles, and Popsicles; any others containing up to 45 calories per bar, including Welch’s Fruit Juice Bars, Weight Watchers Smart Ones Orange Vanilla Treats, Tofutti Chocolate Fudge Treats, Weight Watchers Smart Ones Chocolate Mousse, Dolly Madison Slender Treat Chocolate Mousse, and Yoplait

      Individually packaged frozen bars: up to 110 calories each, including FrozFruit, Hagen-Dazs bars, and Starbucks Frappuccino Blended Coffee Bars

      Avoid beverages labeled “naturally sweetened” or “fruit-juice sweetened,” but help yourself to these:

      Unsweetened black coffees and teas

      Diet teas and juices: Crystal Light, Diet Snapple, Diet Natural Lemon Nestea, Diet Mistic, and others

      Noncaloric flavored waters: orange, chocolate, cream, cherry-chocolate, root beer, cola, and other flavors of bottled or filtered water

      Seltzer: plain or flavored, but check the calorie count if the product is labeled “naturally sweetened,” since this usually means that the product has sugar in one form or another

      Hot cocoa mixes: 20 to 50 calories per serving, including Swiss Miss Diet and Fat-Free and Nestle Carnation Diet and Fat-Free; avoid cocoa mixes with 60 or more calories per serving

      Let’s Go Shopping
      Today’s supermarkets are filled with choices for the weight conscious. Here are some of the lowest-calorie choices for a variety of food categories that aren’t covered in the Anytime List.


      Cheerios: a whole grain cereal with 110 calories and 3 g fiber per cup

      Kellogg’s All-Bran with Extra Fiber: 50 calories and 15 g fiber per 1/2 cup

      Original Shredded Wheat: 80 calories and 2.5 g fiber per biscuit

      Fiber One: 60 calories and 14 g fiber per 1/2 cup

      Wheaties: 110 calories and 2 g fiber per cup

      Whole Grain Total: 110 calories and 3 g fiber per 3/4 cup


      Peanut butter

      Low-sugar or sugar-free jams and jellies with 10 to 40 calories per tablespoon


      Light breads with 40 to 45 calories per slice: oatmeal, premium white, wheat, rye, multigrain, sourdough, Italian

      Whole grain regular breads or rolls

      Rice and Pasta

      Whole wheat/whole grain pastas: Hodgson Mill, Ancient Harvest

      Brown rice

      Whole wheat couscous

      Pearled or hulled barley

      Other whole grains: quinoa, whole grain cornmeal, kasha, bulgur, millet

      Frozen Meals

      Low-calorie frozen breakfast foods such as those from Kellogg’s, Aunt Jemima, and Pillsbury–and a special mention for the low-calorie, whole grain offerings from Van’s

      Low-calorie, vegetable-focused frozen meals in the 150- to 350-calories-per-package range, especially the Amy’s brand


      All beans, dried or canned

      Health Valley canned bean/chili combinations

      Low-fat or fat-free refried beans


      Make it a point to eat starchy, crunchy snacks only in conjunction with a food from the Anytime List. For example, have fruit with popcorn or soup with crackers. Fill up on the former, and go easy on the starchy snack.

      Protein Foods

      Legumes: beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas

      Soy products: bean curd/tofu, meat-replacement products by Boca, Gardenburger, Yves, and Lightlife

      Seafood: fresh (do not fry!), smoked, canned, frozen

      Note: Calorie counts in this story may vary depending on the brand of products used. Remember to check the labels.

      Source: https://www.prevention.com/article/0,577 … -P,00.html

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Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes 127 Foods That Fight Fat!