› Budget101 Discussion List Archives › Budget101 Discussion List › 10 way to save money and help the environment
- This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated February 19, 2009 at 6:02 pm by .
February 16, 2009 at 10:20 pm #270656
1. Replace the lightbulbs in your house with COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTBULBS . Yes, they cost more than regular bulbs, but they use less electricty (saving you money on your utility bill) and they last around 10 years. Good for the environment and good on the wallet in the long term.
2. Bring reusable bags to the grocery store when you go shopping. This should be a no-brainer, but I still see people walking out of the store with 3, 4, 5 or more plastic and paper bags full of groceries. Do you really need that many extra bags at home? I know growing up my mom seemed to think that some day there would be a run on paper bags, so we had about 11,000 of them in the closet. You dont need that many of them! We use 4-5 canvas bags every time we go to the grocery store, and very rarely do we need an extra paper one. But if we do, it gets filled with paper recycling when we get home and goes out the door. Do you know how many plastic bags the world goes through? I dont know but I bet its alot!!
4. Use your local library. Seriously, use it. Your local library has music, movies, magazines, books and more that normally you would A) have to pay for and B) eventually throw into a landfill. Plus, you are already paying for it with your tax dollars, so you might as well actually get something for all the money you get taken out every week!
5. Buy it used! Goodwill, Salvation army, Amazon, netflix, etc have used CD’s, books, clothing, video games and much more that people are selling. Saving money while reducing packaging trash… :109:
7. Get your car in for a checkup. An oil change and an air filter change will run you about $30. Well worth it if you consider that running your car with dirty oil and a dirty air filter is the equivalent of spending an extra $0.15 per mile. Over time, that can add up. Plus, your car runs cleaner, emitting less pollution. Go ahead, make an appointment!
8. Turn that faucet off! Yes, that one! The one you leave running while you brush your teeth, shave, talk on the phone, knit a sweater. So much water is wasted in this country you would think there was an endless supply. Well guess what, there isnt, and its going away faster than the acid rain can replace it. Just be aware of the amount of water you use, and please…there is no need to water your driveway, the neighbors car, your kids dog or the side of the house. Make sure your sprinklers are watering the actual plants and grass. Seriously, nothing will grow in the middle of the street, you don’t need to water it.
10. Finally, as my fingers are tired, THINK about your purchases before you splurge. Think about where your groceries come from…are they local foods are were they imported from New Zealand? The closer your food source is to home, the less gasoline and preservatives it needs to get to your store.
Anyone with more ideas yall???
February 17, 2009 at 12:43 am #415112
I’ve traded in about half my COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTBULBS for the new beautiful LED lightbulbs! Half the wattage.
February 17, 2009 at 8:36 am #415135
The kids and the youth grouth at church do a weekly trash pickup as well….
February 17, 2009 at 9:32 am #415139
February 17, 2009 at 11:32 am #415147
Your welcome Jaime!! My kids stay on top of me about being “green” 🙂
February 17, 2009 at 12:28 pm #415170
great post! keep up the good work!
February 17, 2009 at 3:35 pm #415186
February 19, 2009 at 6:02 pm #415506
Recycling the cans, paper and plastic and making money off it too is great!!!
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› Budget101 Discussion List Archives › Budget101 Discussion List › 10 way to save money and help the environment