b101 renting while unemployed

Renting an Apartment While Unemployed

Renting an apartment while unemployed can present a challenge. Renters need to be aware of why landlords may be reluctant to rent to someone who doesn’t have a job, as well as ways they can persuade a landlord to consider their application.

the fiscal cliff getting shoved over the edge

The Fiscal Cliff: Getting Shoved over the Edge

The minutes are ticking by and the Fiscal Cliff is becoming seemingly steeper and steeper by the second… reports of milk prices soaring to $7+ per gallon by February, loss of earned income tax credit, a 2% rise in payroll taxes and worse. . . Confused yet? Here are the ins & outs of the Fiscal cliff, how it is likely to affect your family, as well as what you can do about it! . . .

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sure ways to reduce your debt

Sure Ways to Reduce Your Debt

Surprisingly in our relatively affluent society, debt is a fairly common incursion. To the dismay of many personal financial advisors, many view it as an inevitability of life. That’s because we’re constantly bombarded with expenses, from tuition to transportation to surprises like medical bills. Often, however, it’s this acceptance that we’re going to get into debt that leads us into debt – a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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