Freeze it for savings

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    • #261901

      Chicken a plenty! Freeze within a day of purchase in it’s original
      package for up to 2 months. For longer storage tightly overwrap with
      heavy duty foil or plastic wrap. Use within 4 to 6 months
      Butter up! Freeze sticks of butter in original carton. For best flavor
      overwrap in foil or place in a airtight freezer bag. Freeze for up to 4
      months. Once thawed use within 30 days
      Ripe bananas at the ready! Freeze in peels. (The peel will turn black
      but it doesn’t affect the fruit) Thaw, peel then mash for use in
      muffins, breads, pancakes and smoothies, Use within 3 months
      Cheese please! To freeze hard cheeses (cheddar, parmesan and swiss)
      either cut into small pieces or shred. Double wrap tightly in plastic
      then in foil or place in an airtight freezer bag. Cheese will be crumbly
      so use it for cooking. Use within 4 to 6 months
      Berry Bounty! Spread unwashed fresh berries on a tray. Freeze solid.
      Transfer to freezer containers or bags. Press out the air. Use within 12

      When life feels tough just remember that your determination has seen you
      through the roughest days and that includes this one too.

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