Budget101.com question about used candles in glass holders

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Budget101.com question about used candles in glass holders

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    • #256210

      I don’t try to heat them up. Instead I put them in

      the freezer for about an hour. Take them out and wrap

      them in a towel and then tap them on the kitchen

      counter. The old wax just pops out.

      > Hello fellow Budgeteers……..


      > I have a quesstion…..I buy/use scented candles and

      > they come in nice little glass containers.

      > How do I heat them up to pour out the leftover wax,

      > clean them out and re-use the glass containers?




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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Budget101.com question about used candles in glass holders