Need Help getting rid of Fruit Flies

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Need Help getting rid of Fruit Flies

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    • #252641

      We just moved and the new house has fruit flies. I don’t want to use

      bug spray in my kitchen. Does anyone have any home remedies to get rid

      of them?



    • #462128

      Step 1: purchase the following: 5/8″ dowel rod (3 to 5′), package of Chinet paper plates, push pin.
      Step 2: sharpen one end of the dowel rod and push into the ground in your back yard or garden.
      Step 3: peel your overripe fruit and place it on the paper plate. No citrus please. Drizzle a tiny bit of molasses across the fruit.
      Step 4: Walk very slowly out to where you placed the dowel carrying the fruit and the push pin.

      Verrry slowly so the fruit flies follow you.
      Step 5: Affix the plate to the top end of the dowel with the push pin.

      You will make friends with all the butterflies in your neighborhood. Also all the hummingbirds. They will be interested in the fruit too, but will mainly eat all the fruit flies and get badly needed nutrients that way.

      Alternative method: Just get a pet hummingbird and keep the cat locked in the bedroom.

      That’s 5/8″ not 58″

    • #462138

      we use rubbing alcocoh in a spray bottle

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Need Help getting rid of Fruit Flies