Hello all need help budgeting

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Hello all need help budgeting

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    • #251619

      Hello all

      Please let me introduce myself, I am a married lady of 32 years, just

      hit the big 50 a few weeks ago and still in debt! My husband is

      planning on retiring in just 8 years and if I dont get my mortgage

      down I will be paying on it probably til we die. Im thinking about

      paying more principal each money and I have done somewhat but it is

      not making major dents in this.

      I also owe $2400 on a student loan, I have been out of school nine

      years (dont know what I was thinking doing that one!) Several credit

      cards ( i dont get along with them but they pay my bills lol) and 26

      more years on a mortgage if I dont pay if off before then.

      My parents had their mortgage paid off when they retired and my dad

      retired at 55. Plus they had one more child than i had, I had 3 and

      they had 4. However my mom was a very thrifty lady!!!

      help me sort what i need to pay off and how to get this mortgage

      down. i will admit to being somewhat of a shopacholic but you all

      know how fun it is to shop but i am finding shopping and getting a

      mortgage free home dont work!

      thanks for your advice and im pleased to join the group


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Hello all need help budgeting